
Hide Windows Updates to prevent their installation - HideWinUpdates v1.0

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HideWinUpdates v1.0

Hide Windows Updates to prevent to get them install. The development of this script has been based in reversed engineering of Windows “Show or Hide Updates” wushowhide.diagcab and translated to a PowerShell manageable syntax.

Use Cases:

* Get list of updates IDs: .\HideWinUpdates.ps1 -Action GetUpdateList
* Hide Single Update     : .\HideWinUpdates.ps1 -Action HideUpdate -IDs "XXXXXXX"
* Hide Multiple Updates  : .\HideWinUpdates.ps1 -Action HideUpdate -IDs ("XXXXXXX","XXXXXXX")


If this script help you to complete any task, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
